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What is the RGE label used for ?

Équipe de rédaction Nexans Équipe de rédaction Nexans Aug 22, 2022

Your company has many assets, but there's one that will speak volumes to your customers. The RGE (Reconnu Garant de L'Environnement) label offers many advantages.
So what is the purpose of the RGE label, and what does it actually achieve?

What does the RGE label actually mean?

The RGE label was introduced in 2011 to enable private individuals to identify competent, qualified professionals for energy renovation work. In practical terms, this label enables professionals to be listed on information websites about the grants available for energy renovation. The professionals are also listed in a number of online directories, including data.gouv which lists all the approved businesses.

Since July 2014, the fundamental principle of eco-conditionality has meant that eligible people can benefit from financial aid and tax deductions by using RGE-labelled professionals.
As a result, to qualify for certain forms of support, including MaPrimeRénov, private individuals must use RGE professionals. This is also the case for the Eco PTZ and the Prime Energie. Eventually, this obligation should be extended to all financing and tax exemption schemes.

As well as being a guarantee of quality and an attestation of skills, the RGE label also enables professionals to upgrade their skills. As an installer, you can train in energy efficiency and renewable energies to extend your field of expertise. Overall, there are two major advantages to obtaining the RGE label :

  • reassure customers that the professional is highly qualified and skilled in the field of energy renovation
  • enable the service provider to develop its skills while expanding its customer base.

RGE label : what advantages for electricians

Standing out
The RGE label allows you, as an electrician, to establish your expertise in the field of energy renovation. One of the main objectives of the development of the RGE label is indeed to allow for an increase in the skills of energy renovation professionals.
How does it work for an electrician? You can follow training courses provided by approved training centres, offering continuous training modules in energy renovation, the specifications of which are defined by decree. The RGE label also makes it possible to deal with the growing competition on the electricity market: indeed, private individuals are more likely to turn to a professional whose skills are certified by a label. Furthermore, note that if you wish to work on a site in 2022, it is in your interest to obtain the RGE label: recruiters will be more interested in your profile.

Attracting new customers
Obtaining the RGE label also enables you to expand your customer portfolio, thanks to referencing on government sites that award aid for energy renovation. Clearly, as an electrician, the RGE label allows you to increase your visibility on a competitive market, while enhancing your image as a professional. Finally, a company with the RGE label is considered more reliable and serious by the many partners you can call upon for a project or an electrical installation.

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Équipe de rédaction Nexans

Équipe de rédaction Nexans

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